Unit ID
22.09.2020 10:07:20
Confirmation delay (full node)
5 minutes 41 seconds
Definition: [ "autonomous agent", { "doc_url": "https://ostable.org/stablecoin-interest-arbitrage.json", "getters": "{ $get_deposit_aa = () => params.deposit_aa; $get_curve_aa = () => definition[params.deposit_aa][1].params.curve_aa; $get_oswap_aa = () => params.oswap_aa; $get_manager = () => params.manager; $get_management_fee = () => params.management_fee; $get_success_fee = () => params.success_fee; $get_oswap_fee = () => definition[params.oswap_aa][1].params.swap_fee / 1e11; $get_oswap_output = ($in_amount, $in_asset, $out_asset) => { $fee = $get_oswap_fee(); $net_in_amount = $in_amount * (1 - $fee); $in_balance = balance[params.oswap_aa][$in_asset]; $out_balance = balance[params.oswap_aa][$out_asset]; $out_amount = $out_balance * $net_in_amount / ($in_balance + $net_in_amount); floor($out_amount) }; // how much input asset do I need to send in order to get the desired amount of the output asset $get_oswap_input = ($out_amount, $in_asset, $out_asset) => { $fee = $get_oswap_fee(); $in_balance = balance[params.oswap_aa][$in_asset]; $out_balance = balance[params.oswap_aa][$out_asset]; if ($out_amount >= $out_balance) bounce("not enough out asset in the pool"); $net_in_amount = $in_balance * $out_amount / ($out_balance - $out_amount); $in_amount = $net_in_amount / (1 - $fee); ceil($in_amount) }; }", "init": "{ $trigger_reward = 20000; $bank_aa = 'GV5YXIIRH3DH5FTEECW7IS2EQTAYJJ6S'; $deposit_aa = params.deposit_aa; $curve_aa = $get_curve_aa(); // tokens $stable_asset = var[$deposit_aa]['asset']; $interest_asset = var[$curve_aa]['asset2']; $shares_asset = var['shares_asset']; $interest_rate = var[$curve_aa]['interest_rate']; $term = (timestamp - var[$curve_aa]['rate_update_ts']) / (360 * 24 * 3600); // in years $growth_factor = var[$curve_aa]['growth_factor'] * (1 + $interest_rate)^$term; $status = var['status']; // it might be slightly larger than real if some force-close requests are already finished but not subtracted from balance_in_challenging_period yet $get_interest_balance = () => balance[$interest_asset] + var[$bank_aa]['balance_' || this_address || '_' || $interest_asset] + var['balance_in_challenging_period']; // can be negative if the trade is not profitable, e.g. when oswap fee eats all the price difference $get_optimal_deposit_amount = () => { $target_price = $growth_factor; $fee = $get_oswap_fee(); $interest_balance = balance[params.oswap_aa][$interest_asset]; $stable_balance = balance[params.oswap_aa][$stable_asset]; $net_share = 1 - $fee; $deposit_amount = (sqrt($interest_balance * $stable_balance * $net_share * $target_price) - $stable_balance) / ($net_share * $target_price); floor($deposit_amount) }; }", "messages": { "cases": [ { "if": "{ trigger.data.define AND !$shares_asset }", "messages": [ { "app": "asset", "payload": { "is_private": false, "is_transferrable": true, "auto_destroy": false, "fixed_denominations": false, "issued_by_definer_only": true, "cosigned_by_definer": false, "spender_attested": false } }, { "if": "{trigger.data.factory}", "app": "payment", "payload": { "asset": "base", "outputs": [ { "address": "{trigger.data.factory}", "amount": 1000 } ] } }, { "app": "state", "state": "{ var['last_mf_withdrawal_ts'] = timestamp; var['last_sf_withdrawal_share_price'] = 1; var['shares_asset'] = response_unit; response['shares_asset'] = response_unit; }" } ] }, { "if": "{ trigger.data.open_deposit }", "init": "{ $deposit_amount = min($get_optimal_deposit_amount(), balance[$interest_asset]); if ($deposit_amount <= 0) bounce("would lose money"); // double-check that we are not losing money $stable_amount = floor($deposit_amount * $growth_factor); $out_amount = $get_oswap_output($stable_amount, $stable_asset, $interest_asset); $profit = $out_amount - $deposit_amount; if ($profit <= 0) bounce("unexpected: would lose money"); // reward non-managers for successfully triggering arb if (trigger.address != params.manager AND balance[base] - storage_size > 2 * $trigger_reward) $reward = $trigger_reward; }", "messages": [ { "app": "payment", "payload": { "asset": "{$interest_asset}", "outputs": [ { "address": "{$deposit_aa}", "amount": "{ $deposit_amount }" } ] } }, { "if": "{$reward}", "app": "payment", "payload": { "asset": "base", "outputs": [ { "address": "{trigger.address}", "amount": "{ $reward }" } ] } }, { "app": "state", "state": "{ var['status'] = 'opening_deposit'; var['expected_stable_amount'] = $stable_amount; var['expected_interest_amount'] = $out_amount; response['expected_profit'] = $profit; }" } ] }, { "if": "{ trigger.address == $deposit_aa AND trigger.output[[asset=$stable_asset]] > 0 AND $status AND $status == 'opening_deposit' }", "init": "{ $received_stable_amount = trigger.output[[asset=$stable_asset]]; $expected_stable_amount = var['expected_stable_amount']; if ($received_stable_amount != $expected_stable_amount) bounce("wrong stable amount received from deposit AA: expected " || $expected_stable_amount || ", got " || $received_stable_amount); }", "messages": [ { "app": "payment", "payload": { "asset": "{$stable_asset}", "outputs": [ { "address": "{params.oswap_aa}", "amount": "{ $received_stable_amount }" } ] } }, { "app": "payment", "payload": { "asset": "base", "outputs": [ { "address": "{params.oswap_aa}", "amount": 1000 } ] } }, { "app": "data", "payload": { "to": "{this_address}" } }, { "app": "state", "state": "{ var['status'] = 'swapping_s2i'; }" } ] }, { "if": "{ trigger.address == params.oswap_aa AND trigger.output[[asset=$interest_asset]] > 0 AND $status AND $status == 'swapping_s2i' }", "init": "{ $received_interest_amount = trigger.output[[asset=$interest_asset]]; $expected_interest_amount = var['expected_interest_amount']; if ($received_interest_amount != $expected_interest_amount) bounce("wrong interest amount received from oswap AA: expected " || $expected_interest_amount || ", got " || $received_interest_amount); }", "messages": [ { "app": "state", "state": "{ var['expected_stable_amount'] = false; var['expected_interest_amount'] = false; var['status'] = false; }" } ] }, { "if": "{ trigger.data.close_deposit AND trigger.data.id }", "init": "{ if (trigger.address != params.manager) bounce("you are not the manager"); $deposit = var[$deposit_aa]['deposit_' || trigger.data.id]; if (!$deposit) bounce("no such deposit"); $stable_amount = ($deposit.owner == this_address) ? $deposit.stable_amount : floor($deposit.amount * $growth_factor); $in_amount = $get_oswap_input($stable_amount, $interest_asset, $stable_asset); $profit = $deposit.amount - $in_amount; if ($profit <= 0) bounce("would lose money"); }", "messages": [ { "app": "payment", "payload": { "asset": "{$interest_asset}", "outputs": [ { "address": "{params.oswap_aa}", "amount": "{ $in_amount }" } ] } }, { "app": "data", "payload": { "to": "{this_address}" } }, { "app": "state", "state": "{ var['status'] = 'swapping_i2s'; var['expected_stable_amount'] = $stable_amount; var['id'] = trigger.data.id; if ($deposit.owner != this_address){ var['amount_' || trigger.data.id] = $deposit.amount; var['balance_in_challenging_period'] += $deposit.amount; response['expected_profit'] = $profit; } }" } ] }, { "if": "{ trigger.address == params.oswap_aa AND trigger.output[[asset=$stable_asset]] > 0 AND $status AND $status == 'swapping_i2s' }", "init": "{ $received_stable_amount = trigger.output[[asset=$stable_asset]]; $expected_stable_amount = var['expected_stable_amount']; if ($received_stable_amount < $expected_stable_amount) bounce("wrong stable amount received from oswap AA: expected " || $expected_stable_amount || ", got " || $received_stable_amount); }", "messages": [ { "app": "payment", "payload": { "asset": "{$stable_asset}", "outputs": [ { "address": "{$deposit_aa}", "amount": "{ $expected_stable_amount }" } ] } }, { "app": "data", "payload": { "id": "{var['id']}" } }, { "app": "state", "state": "{ var['expected_stable_amount'] = false; var['id'] = false; var['status'] = false; }" } ] }, { "if": "{ (trigger.address == $deposit_aa OR trigger.address == params.oswap_aa OR trigger.address == $bank_aa) AND trigger.output[[asset=$interest_asset]] > 0 AND !$status }", "messages": [ { "app": "state", "state": "{ // do nothing, it gets added to our balance }" } ] }, { "if": "{ (trigger.data.sell_stable OR (trigger.address == $deposit_aa OR trigger.address == $bank_aa) AND trigger.output[[asset=$stable_asset]] > 0) AND !$status }", "messages": [ { "app": "payment", "payload": { "asset": "{$stable_asset}", "outputs": [ { "address": "{params.oswap_aa}" } ] } }, { "app": "data", "payload": { "to": "{this_address}" } } ] }, { "if": "{ trigger.data.unlock AND trigger.data.id }", "init": "{ $id = trigger.data.id; $amount = var['amount_' || $id]; if (!$amount) bounce("we have no funds locked in closure of this deposit"); if (var[$deposit_aa]['deposit_' || $id || '_force_close']) bounce("this deposit is still in challenging period"); }", "messages": [ { "app": "state", "state": "{ var['amount_' || $id] = false; var['balance_in_challenging_period'] -= $amount; }" } ] }, { "if": "{ trigger.data.challenge_force_close AND trigger.data.id AND trigger.data.weaker_id AND trigger.output[[asset=base]] >= 3000 }", "messages": [ { "app": "payment", "payload": { "asset": "base", "outputs": [ { "address": "{$deposit_aa}", "amount": 2000 } ] } }, { "app": "data", "payload": "{trigger.data}" } ] }, { "if": "{ trigger.data.withdraw_from_bank AND trigger.data.asset AND (trigger.data.asset == $interest_asset OR trigger.data.asset == $stable_asset) }", "messages": [ { "app": "payment", "payload": { "asset": "base", "outputs": [ { "address": "{$bank_aa}", "amount": 2000 } ] } }, { "app": "data", "payload": { "withdraw": 1, "asset": "{trigger.data.asset}", "amount": "all" } } ] }, { "if": "{ $shares_asset AND trigger.output[[asset=$interest_asset]] > 0 }", "init": "{ $received_interest_amount = trigger.output[[asset=$interest_asset]]; $shares_supply = var['shares_supply'] OTHERWISE 0; $interest_balance = $get_interest_balance() - $received_interest_amount; if ($interest_balance < 0) bounce("interest_balance < 0"); if ($shares_supply > 0 AND $interest_balance == 0) bounce("shares_supply > 0 AND interest_balance == 0"); $share_price = $shares_supply ? $interest_balance / $shares_supply : 1; $shares_amount = floor($received_interest_amount / $share_price); }", "messages": [ { "app": "payment", "payload": { "asset": "{$shares_asset}", "outputs": [ { "address": "{trigger.address}", "amount": "{$shares_amount}" } ] } }, { "app": "state", "state": "{ var['shares_supply'] += $shares_amount; }" } ] }, { "if": "{ $shares_asset AND trigger.output[[asset=$shares_asset]] > 0 }", "init": "{ $received_shares_amount = trigger.output[[asset=$shares_asset]]; $shares_supply = var['shares_supply']; $interest_balance = $get_interest_balance(); if ($interest_balance < 0) bounce("interest_balance < 0"); if ($shares_supply > 0 AND $interest_balance == 0) bounce("shares_supply > 0 AND interest_balance == 0"); $share_price = $interest_balance / $shares_supply; $interest_amount = floor($received_shares_amount * $share_price); }", "messages": [ { "app": "payment", "payload": { "asset": "{$interest_asset}", "outputs": [ { "address": "{trigger.address}", "amount": "{$interest_amount}" } ] } }, { "app": "state", "state": "{ var['shares_supply'] -= $received_shares_amount; }" } ] }, { "if": "{ $shares_asset AND trigger.data.withdraw_management_fee AND trigger.address == params.manager }", "init": "{ $shares_supply = var['shares_supply'] OTHERWISE 0; $mf_term = (timestamp - var['last_mf_withdrawal_ts']) / (360 * 24 * 3600); // in years $mf_growth_factor = (1 + params.management_fee)^$term; $mf = floor($shares_supply * ($mf_growth_factor - 1)); }", "messages": [ { "app": "payment", "payload": { "asset": "{$shares_asset}", "outputs": [ { "address": "{trigger.address}", "amount": "{$mf}" } ] } }, { "app": "state", "state": "{ var['shares_supply'] += $mf; var['last_mf_withdrawal_ts'] = timestamp; }" } ] }, { "if": "{ $shares_asset AND trigger.data.withdraw_success_fee AND trigger.address == params.manager }", "init": "{ $shares_supply = var['shares_supply']; if (!$shares_supply) bounce("no shares yet"); $interest_balance = $get_interest_balance(); $share_price = $interest_balance / $shares_supply; $profit = ($share_price - var['last_sf_withdrawal_share_price']) * $shares_supply; $sf = floor($profit * params.success_fee); if ($sf <= 0) bounce("there is no profit since the last withdrawal"); }", "messages": [ { "app": "payment", "payload": { "asset": "{$interest_asset}", "outputs": [ { "address": "{trigger.address}", "amount": "{$sf}" } ] } }, { "app": "state", "state": "{ var['last_sf_withdrawal_share_price'] = $share_price; }" } ] }, { "if": "{ $shares_asset AND trigger.data.withdraw_bytes AND trigger.data.amount AND trigger.address == params.manager }", "messages": [ { "app": "payment", "payload": { "asset": "base", "outputs": [ { "address": "{trigger.address}", "amount": "{trigger.data.amount}" } ] } } ] } ] } } ]
Technical information
12,906 bytes
(451 headers, 12455 payload)
Witnessed level:5915544
Main chain index:5771227
Latest included mc index:5771226