Unit ID
22.09.2020 10:01:26
Confirmation delay (full node)
4 minutes 37 seconds
Confirmation delay (light node)
6 minutes 10 seconds
Definition: [ "autonomous agent", { "doc_url": "https://obyte.org/bank.json", "getters": "{ $get_balance = ($address, $asset) => { var['balance_' || $address || '_' || $asset] OTHERWISE 0 }; $get_payment_messages = ($payments) => { $payment_messages_by_asset = {}; $buffer_recipients = []; $payment_messages = []; foreach($payments, 5, $payment => { if (!$payment.amount) return; if ($payment.is_aa){ delete($payment, 'is_aa'); $buffer_recipients[] = $payment; $address = this_address; } else $address = $payment.address; if ($payment_messages_by_asset[$payment.asset]) $payment_messages_by_asset[$payment.asset].payload.outputs[] = {address: $address, amount: $payment.amount}; else $payment_messages_by_asset[$payment.asset] = { app: 'payment', payload: { asset: $payment.asset, outputs: [ {address: $address, amount: $payment.amount} ] } }; }); foreach($payment_messages_by_asset, 5, $payment_message => { $payment_messages[] = $payment_message; }); { payment_messages: $payment_messages, buffer_recipients: $buffer_recipients, } }; }", "init": "{ $withdrawal_fee = 2000; if (exists(trigger.data.to) AND !is_valid_address(trigger.data.to)) bounce("bad to-address"); $get_amount = ($amount, $balance) => { if ($amount == 'all') return $balance; if (!is_integer($amount) OR $amount <= 0) bounce("bad amount: " || $amount); $amount }; // a command to transfer or withdraw can be signed by an authorized key and submitted by anybody $get_owner = ($message_to_sign) => { if (!trigger.data.owner) return trigger.address; if (!trigger.data.pubkey) bounce("no pubkey"); if (!trigger.data.signature) bounce("no signature"); if (!trigger.data.nonce) // to avoid replay bounce("no nonce"); $pubkey_hash = sha256(trigger.data.pubkey); if (!var['key_' || trigger.data.owner || '_' || $pubkey_hash]) bounce("this key is not auhorized to sign for this owner"); if (var['nonce_' || $pubkey_hash || '_' || trigger.data.nonce]) bounce("this nonce was already used"); $full_message_to_sign = $message_to_sign || " with nonce " || trigger.data.nonce; if (!is_valid_sig($full_message_to_sign, trigger.data.pubkey, trigger.data.signature)) bounce("invalid signature"); trigger.data.owner }; $write_nonce = () => { if (trigger.data.owner) var['nonce_' || sha256(trigger.data.pubkey) || '_' || trigger.data.nonce] = 1; }; }", "messages": { "cases": [ { "if": "{trigger.data.withdraw AND trigger.data.asset AND trigger.data.amount}", "init": "{ $owner = $get_owner("withdraw " || trigger.data.amount || " " || trigger.data.asset || " to " || (trigger.data.to OTHERWISE "self")); $to = trigger.data.to OTHERWISE $owner; $base_amount = trigger.output[[asset=base]]; $key = 'balance_' || $owner || '_' || trigger.data.asset; $base_key = 'balance_' || $owner || '_base'; $fee = (trigger.data.asset == 'base') ? $withdrawal_fee : 0; $balance = var[$key]; if (!$balance) bounce("you have no balance in this asset"); $amount = $get_amount(trigger.data.amount, $balance - $fee); $required_amount = $amount + $fee; if ($required_amount > $balance) bounce("trying to withdraw more than you have: " || $required_amount || " > " || $balance); if ($withdrawal_fee > var[$base_key] + $base_amount) bounce("not enough bytes to pay the withdrawal fee, please add some bytes first"); }", "messages": [ { "app": "payment", "payload": { "asset": "{trigger.data.asset}", "outputs": [ { "address": "{$to}", "amount": "{$amount}" } ] } }, { "app": "state", "state": "{ var[$key] -= $amount; var[$base_key] += - $withdrawal_fee + $base_amount; $write_nonce(); }" } ] }, { "if": "{trigger.data.withdraw AND trigger.data.recipients}", "init": "{ $owner = trigger.address; if (!is_array(trigger.data.recipients)) bounce("recipients must be array"); if (length(trigger.data.recipients) > 5) bounce("too many recipients, max 5"); $fee = $withdrawal_fee * length(trigger.data.recipients); $totals = { base: $fee }; foreach(trigger.data.recipients, 5, $recipient => { if (!is_integer($recipient.amount) OR $recipient.amount < 0) bounce("bad amount: " || $recipient.amount); if (!is_valid_address($recipient.address)) bounce("bad address: " || $recipient.address); if ($recipient.is_aa) bounce("is_aa not allowed here"); $totals[$recipient.asset] = $totals[$recipient.asset] + $recipient.amount; }); foreach($totals, 5, ($asset, $total) => { $balance = var['balance_' || $owner || '_' || $asset]; if (!$balance) bounce("you have no balance in " || $asset); if ($total > $balance) bounce("not enough balance in " || $asset); }); $res = $get_payment_messages(trigger.data.recipients); $payment_messages = $res.payment_messages; $data = trigger.data; delete($data, 'recipients'); delete($data, 'withdraw'); }", "messages": [ "{$payment_messages[0] OTHERWISE ''}", "{$payment_messages[1] OTHERWISE ''}", "{$payment_messages[2] OTHERWISE ''}", "{$payment_messages[3] OTHERWISE ''}", "{$payment_messages[4] OTHERWISE ''}", { "if": "{length($data) > 0}", "app": "data", "payload": "{$data}" }, { "app": "state", "state": "{ foreach($totals, 5, ($asset, $total) => { var['balance_' || $owner || '_' || $asset] -= $total; }); }" } ] }, { "if": "{trigger.data.transfer AND trigger.data.to AND trigger.data.asset AND trigger.data.amount}", "init": "{ $owner = $get_owner("transfer " || trigger.data.amount || " " || trigger.data.asset || " to " || trigger.data.to); $base_amount = trigger.output[[asset=base]]; $base_key = 'balance_' || $owner || '_base'; $key = 'balance_' || $owner || '_' || trigger.data.asset; $balance = var[$key]; if (!$balance) bounce("you have no balance in this asset"); $amount = $get_amount(trigger.data.amount, $balance); if ($amount > $balance) bounce("trying to transfer more than you have: " || $balance); }", "messages": [ { "app": "state", "state": "{ var[$key] -= $amount; var['balance_' || trigger.data.to || '_' || trigger.data.asset] += $amount; var[$base_key] += $base_amount; $write_nonce(); }" } ] }, { "if": "{trigger.data.authorize AND trigger.data.pubkey}", "init": "{ if (length(trigger.data.pubkey) > 1000) bounce("pubkey is too long"); }", "messages": [ { "app": "state", "state": "{ var['key_' || trigger.address || '_' || sha256(trigger.data.pubkey)] = 1; response['message'] = "authorized the key to sign transactions on your behalf"; }" } ] }, { "if": "{trigger.data.revoke AND trigger.data.pubkey}", "init": "{ if (length(trigger.data.pubkey) > 1000) bounce("pubkey is too long"); }", "messages": [ { "app": "state", "state": "{ var['key_' || trigger.address || '_' || sha256(trigger.data.pubkey)] = false; response['message'] = "revoked the key"; }" } ] }, { "if": "{trigger.data.recipients}", "init": "{ $totals = {}; foreach(trigger.data.recipients, 10, $recipient => { if (!is_integer($recipient.amount) OR $recipient.amount < 0) bounce("bad amount: " || $recipient.amount); if (!is_valid_address($recipient.address)) bounce("bad address: " || $recipient.address); if (!trigger.output[[asset=$recipient.asset]]) bounce("nothing received in asset " || $recipient.asset); $totals[$recipient.asset] = $totals[$recipient.asset] + $recipient.amount; }); foreach($totals, 10, ($asset, $total) => { if ($total != trigger.output[[asset=$asset]]) bounce("expected " || $total || " for asset " || $asset); }); // if we receive more assets than is mentioned in recipients, we silently eat them }", "messages": [ { "app": "state", "state": "{ foreach(trigger.data.recipients, 10, $recipient => { $asset_key = 'balance_' || $recipient.address || '_' || $recipient.asset; var[$asset_key] += $recipient.amount; }); }" } ] }, { "messages": [ { "app": "state", "state": "{ $asset = trigger.output[[asset!=base]].asset; if ($asset == 'ambiguous') bounce('ambiguous asset'); $to = trigger.data.to OTHERWISE trigger.address; $base_amount = trigger.output[[asset=base]]; $base_key = 'balance_' || $to || '_base'; var[$base_key] += $base_amount; $response_base = $base_amount || ' bytes\ '; if ($asset != 'none'){ $asset_key = 'balance_' || $to || '_' || $asset; var[$asset_key] += trigger.output[[asset=$asset]]; $response_asset = trigger.output[[asset=$asset]] || ' of ' || $asset || '\ '; } response['message'] = 'accepted coins:\ ' || ($response_base otherwise '') || ($response_asset otherwise ''); }" } ] } ] } } ]
Technical information
9,523 bytes
(451 headers, 9072 payload)
Witnessed level:5915479
Main chain index:5771161
Latest included mc index:5771160