Definition: [
"autonomous agent",
"getters": "{
$get_oracles = ($oracles_state, $curve_params) => {
// $oracles_state = var[$curve_aa]['oracles'];
if ($oracles_state)
return $oracles_state;
$initial_oracles = [];
if ($curve_params.oracle1 AND $curve_params.feed_name1)
$initial_oracles[] = {oracle: $curve_params.oracle1, feed_name: $curve_params.feed_name1, op: $curve_params.op1 OTHERWISE '*'};
if ($curve_params.oracle2 AND $curve_params.feed_name2)
$initial_oracles[] = {oracle: $curve_params.oracle2, feed_name: $curve_params.feed_name2, op: $curve_params.op2 OTHERWISE '*'};
if ($curve_params.oracle3 AND $curve_params.feed_name3)
$initial_oracles[] = {oracle: $curve_params.oracle3, feed_name: $curve_params.feed_name3, op: $curve_params.op3 OTHERWISE '*'};
$get_oracle_price = ($oracles_state, $curve_params) => {
$oracles = $get_oracles($oracles_state, $curve_params);
$oracle_price = reduce($oracles, 3, ($price, $oracle_info) => {
if (!exists($price))
return false;
$df = data_feed[[oracles=$, feed_name=$oracle_info.feed_name, ifnone=false]];
if (!exists($df))
return false;
($oracle_info.op == '*') ? $price * $df : $price / $df
}, 1);
$get_denoms = ($stable_balances, $reserve_balances, $stable_l_balances, $reserve_l_balances, $shifts, $pxy_stable, $pxy_reserve, $stable_oswap_x_is_imported, $reserve_oswap_x_is_reserve, $stable_alpha, $reserve_alpha) => {
$leverages = [2, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100];
$p_stable_in_imported = !$stable_oswap_x_is_imported ? $pxy_stable : 1/$pxy_stable;
// account for leveraged positions
$L_sums = {stable_x: 0, reserve_x: 0};
foreach($leverages, 6, $L => {
$L_sums.stable_x = $L_sums.stable_x + ($L - 1) * ($stable_l_balances[$L||'x'].balance + $stable_l_balances[-$L||'x'].balance / $pxy_stable);
$L_sums.reserve_x = $L_sums.reserve_x + ($L - 1) * ($reserve_l_balances[$L||'x'].balance + $reserve_l_balances[-$L||'x'].balance / $pxy_reserve);
// stable oswap
$stable_a = $stable_oswap_x_is_imported ? $stable_alpha : 1-$stable_alpha;
$stable_s = $stable_balances[$stable_oswap_x_is_imported ? 'y' : 'x'];
$stable_s0 = $shifts[$stable_oswap_x_is_imported ? 'y0' : 'x0'];
$stable_sum = $stable_oswap_x_is_imported ? $L_sums.stable_x/$p_stable_in_imported : $L_sums.stable_x;
$stable_denom = $stable_a * ($stable_s + $stable_s0) - $stable_sum;
// reserve oswap
$reserve_a = $reserve_oswap_x_is_reserve ? $reserve_alpha : 1-$reserve_alpha;
$reserve_b = 1 - $reserve_a;
$reserve_r = $reserve_balances[$reserve_oswap_x_is_reserve ? 'x' : 'y']; // not xn, yn
$reserve_sum = $reserve_oswap_x_is_reserve ? $L_sums.reserve_x : $L_sums.reserve_x * $pxy_reserve;
$reserve_denom = $reserve_b * $reserve_r - $reserve_sum;
// $along_reserve_asset = $reserve_oswap_x_is_reserve ? $along_x : !$along_x;
// $Lambda_term = $along_reserve_asset ? $reserve_b * $Lambda :
// log({stable_sum: $stable_sum, stable_denom: $stable_denom, reserve_sum: $reserve_sum, reserve_denom: $reserve_denom});
stable_denom: $stable_denom,
reserve_denom: $reserve_denom,
reserve_b: $reserve_b,
stable_a: $stable_a,
"messages": [
"app": "state",
"state": "{
$d = $get_denoms();
bounce("library only");